nbn Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) Connection
MATE Knowledge Base, nbn Internet services | 19 February 2024

An nbn Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) connection is used in circumstances where fibre is extended close to the premises, connecting to a small Distribution Point Unit (DPU), generally located inside a pit on the street.
From here, the existing copper network is connected to the fibre to form the final nbn connection. To power an nbn FTTC service with electricity and provide a connection to the nbn network, an nbn connection box will be required.
nbn FTTC connection timeframes
Service class 30 – (Not serviceable but is in the footprint of NBN Network)
Service class 31 – Serviceable up to 14 business days, Technician appointment required (site access) No available copper pairs (rough time-frame 1-14 Business days)
Service class 32 – Serviceable Technician appt required(1-14 Business days)Active FNN/ULL still required (if Active)
Service class 33 – Serviceable active CPI (copper pair) will require FNN/ULL (Self install NCD 3-6 business days)
Service class 34 – Currently Active NBN service/If no NCD needs to get sent out again refer to above, NCD 1-3 business days